Limpopo liquor law | Liquor traders threaten legal action

JOHANNESBURG - The Limpopo government is being threatened with court action over it's new liquor law.

It says the new curfew of alcohol sales due to kick in next month is in the best interest of citizens.

But the National Liquor Traders Association says it will kill business.

"We're obviously not happy with the announcement that there'll be a ban on alcohol after 12 midnight, but also we take an issue with the fact that liquor board in Limpopo has also proposed to increase licence renewal fees," said the association's Lucky Ntimane.

READ: New alcohol curfew for Limpopo

"We've made know our feelings through a letter that we wrote to the premier which he responded to saying our concerns would be given a hearing."

Ntimane said they reserve the right to take this matter to court.

"I have consulted with our team in Limpopo where we firmly believe that we should in fact interdict this act before it goes live on 1 August.

"The province of Limpopo through the MEC of Economic Development [Rodgers Monama] opened their doors to engagement and in this regard we have an appointment on Monday to iron out these issues."

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