Discussion Policy

Please note that the user comments on our site are posted directly by users and do not reflect the views of eNCA

eNCA.com’s discussion and comments have been created to allow you to engage with other users on the issues facing South Africa and the world. If you’re familiar with eNCA, you will know that we don’t back down from rigorous, intelligent debate.

What we don’t tolerate, however, is content that is malicious, bigoted, defamatory, or simply irrelevant to the topic under discussion. We also don’t allow people to use these forums to advertise their products or services.

To join the conversation, please register using a valid email address or social network account. The advantage of registering with your social network account is that you can easily publish your comment on social media as well as on eNCA. This will only happen with your explicit permission.

We don’t moderate discussion unless you flag something as inappropriate. Please use this power responsibly; just because you disagree with someone’s point of view doesn’t make their comment inappropriate.

Our policy is to moderate comments only after they have been flagged three times by three different individuals. The flagged comment may be edited, deleted or reinstated. Any individual whose comments have been deleted or edited for appropriateness three times will have their account suspended.

If you think you’ve been suspended unfairly, or had your post deleted unfairly, contact us. We are relying on you to help make this a progressive and safe space for smart, wide-ranging discussion. Feel free to contact us directly at social@enca.com if you see something that needs our immediate attention.