JOHANNESBURG - Ekurhuleni Mayor, Nkosindiphile Xhakaza, is in the firing line.
The Independent Citizens Movement Party has brought a no-confidence motion against him.
The party is supported by the ACDP but where does the EFF stand on the matter?
READ: Disgraced Ekurhuleni COO, turned councillor, brings motion of no confidence against mayor
EFF Gauteng Chairperson, Nkululeko Dunga answered, saying, "We haven't officially received the motion through the municipal processes but we're expecting at least to have that after programming, which is scheduled to sit next week and thereafter the caucus of the EFF will have to ventilate and discuss the position of the EFF."
"Obviously, [this is] in consideration to what would be the position of the leadership structures of the EFF because we have a governance structure that would give directives and line of marches with sensitive matters such as these."