Under-resourcing adds to border management security headache

MUSINA - The BMA believes more needs to be done to address the country's porous border with Zimbabwe.

Officials say, however, that under-resourcing is a headache they are unable to remedy just yet.

Until that happens, they admit things won't change soon, even as illegal activity compromises the country's security.

If resourcing issues are not addressed, effective border management here at Beitbridge and other vulnerable land ports of entry will remain a pipedream.

The BMA and the SANDF are some of the government agencies that have spoken out about how their hands are tied in the face of glaring irregularities.

The ease of passing through unmanned points along the border fence or Limpopo River has not gone unnoticed.

During last year’s festive season, 1891 people were detained while trying to enter SA illegally through the Beitbridge border post.

Overcrowded prisons and police operations show a picture of many more who are unaccounted for, a compromise to the safety of citizens.

Recently, four Malawi nationals were detained for dealing in counterfeit goods to the value of R66 million in Johannesburg.

Two foreign nationals were arrested in Limpopo for owning illegal explosives worth R2 million.

Other issues include vehicle and cigarette smuggling, among others.

While some on the ground encourage the legal movement of people, some also admit to moving in and out of the country’s borders illegally because of convenience.

While resourcing is an issue, the commissioner concedes that compromised officials compromise their work as well.

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