Gauteng school placements | Education MEC calls on parents to accept placements


JOHANNESBURG - The Gauteng education department has already processed 271,000 applications, for Grades 1 and 8 next year.

READ: Back to school | Irate parents slam school placements

Gauteng Education MEC Matome Chiloane says all pupils will be placed by 4 September and parents will have seven days to accept offers.      

He said, "from the 4th of September we will be releasing SMSes to parents to offer them places, they will have seven days to accept these placements."

"Parents must avoid the delay, some time they get these smses and then they delay."

"Parents may not be comfortable with a certain school. Please when you get an offer: take it that offer is being considered properly."

"We would have looked at a number of criteria."

"There will be SMSes going out from the 4th [September]. If you don't get an sms, perhaps you've lost your phone go to the GDEadmissions there and check."

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