Saving up to 25% on your medical aid each month with Fedhealth’s Elect options


The flagship option range: flexiFED

Fedhealth Medical Scheme has four options in our flagship flexiFED option range. These options each represent a different life stage, to ensure that they provide relevant benefits for where the member currently is in their life.

flexiFED 1 which is a well-priced hospital plan for young and healthy people just starting out in life. It provides good medical aid cover at a low cost.

flexiFED 2 is a great medical aid option for first-time parents who need prenatal care, and childhood benefits as baby grows.

flexiFED 3 is ideal for growing families, since it provides enhanced maternity and childhood benefits.

flexiFED 4 provides solid cover for mature families who are done with changing nappies with benefits to take care of every member of the family.

All of these plans come with basic benefits that can provide sufficient cover for all family sizes: whether you are a single bachelor or a family of five.

When you take up medical aid cover, you pay a monthly contribution and that contribution is divided into two parts: Risk cover and day-to-day cover.

The Risk benefit pays for unlimited private hospitalisation and a chronic disease benefit, while the day-to-day benefit covers your additional consultations such as doctor’s, dentist and optometry visits.

Depending on your chosen medical aid, a certain percentage of your contribution is put aside and allocated for your day-to-day medical expenditure.

What is flexiFED Elect?

Fedhealth has created a wide range of medical aid options over the years, ranging from basic healthcare to comprehensive cover, all of which are of high quality.

In 2019, we launched our revolutionary flexiFED range, as well as Fedhealth Savings powered by the MediVault. This was a first for the South African medical aid market – that gave members an unprecedented level of choice, affordability and control over their medical aid.

But because affordability is always a key consideration for potential medical aid members, we decided to give members even more chance to save without sacrificing ANY benefits, through our Elect option variants. 

Elect is an option variation that is available on all the flexiFED options. For example, if you select flexiFED 1, you can select an option variant called flexiFED 1Elect.

The Elect version ensures that you have the exact same benefits that you would have with the main flexiFED plans, but at a 25% reduced monthly contribution. What is the catch? There is no catch: in exchange for the 25% discount, you will simply have to pay a co-payment of R13 000 on all planned procedures at any private hospital.

Rest assured that the co-payment is only payable with elective procedures and not with emergencies. In a case of emergency, you will always be taken to your nearest private hospital for stabilising medical treatment.

As an example, if you were to select the flexiFED 4 plan, your contribution per month would be R3 053. But if you were to choose flexiFED 4Elect, you would pay 25% less on your contribution, which works out R763,25 less per month.

It might make sense to note that if you are young and healthy, you will seldom need a planned hospital procedure. As such, this option is perfect for you if you don’t foresee needing any elective or planned procedures in the near future.

When it comes to affordability, you’d have to look far and wide to beat the value that our Elect option variant offers you!



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