CAPE TOWN - Candidates are being grilled to take up positions as judges.
There are several vacancies on benches around the country that need to be filled.
Judges Matter has been impressed with the line of questioning.
It says it's a far cry from previous interviews where the dignity of candidates was not respected.
"Even for some candidates who seem to look good on paper but when they've got to the JSC they faced questions from a number of the commissioners from the lawyers to the judges, to even the politicians who were asking really relevant questions of the candidates," said Mbekezeli Benjamin.
"So, overall the line of questioning seemed to be a lot more focused. The questions were tough and they were quite rigorous.
"But at the same time they paid attention to the dignity and respect of the candidates."
Transformation within the judiciary has been raised during interviews for the position of judge in the Western Cape.
There are currently several positions available within the judiciary.