President Ramaphosa officially opens Dr Pixley ka-Isaka Seme Hospital

DURBAN - President Cyril Ramaphosa says the newly opened Dr Pixley Ka-Isaka Seme Memorial Hospital in KwaZulu-Natal is a game changer not only for residents there, but for all South Africans.

On Friday, Ramaphosa officially opened the hospital in Kwa-Mashu nearly a year after its completion amid multiple push backs.

READ: KwaMashu hospital staff down tools

The president addressed a crowd of locals who attended the event.

In addressing some issues related to the hospitals, Ramaphosa says the hospital will adopt a new working system that will benefit and also forge a close relationship with the locals.

The hospital will hire most of its staff, including securities, cleaning staff and kitchen staff as insource, under permanent contracts.

Ramaphosa says it's a world class hospital which hopes to provide world-class healthcare.

"Being a world class facility, this hospital is going to ensure that all our people, whoever you are, whatever background you come from, you can walk in this hospital and get the best treatment not only in SA but in the world, I have seen it myself," the president assured.

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