Phone cloning | How to protect yourself from cybercriminals

JOHANNESBURG - While cellphone cloning is less common than other cybercrimes, one expert warns that it’s one of the most dangerous threats in South Africa.

Cellphone cloning allows hackers to access victims' personal data and create an exact copy of their device, including banking apps.

Crime expert Mike Bolhuis says hackers use this personal information to extort and steal money from their victims.

"Victims often only realise their phone has been cloned when they receive threats or ransom demands," he says.

Despite its severity, cellphone cloning remains one of the less common cybercrimes in South Africa, overshadowed by threats like phishing and sweetheart scams. 

However, its impact can be devastating.

 Law enforcers struggle to combat this crime due to limited cybercrime expertise and resources.

"It’s always after the fact that cases are opened, once the crime has already happened,” Bolhuis explains. 

"So you cannot do crime prevention here, you cannot stop it because the moment any policeman or anybody calls, they just destroy the complete device. As I've said, it's easy for them to just reclone it on another phone. 

"The criminals know exactly what to do when any authority does call them. So it's very seldom solved and very seldom arrested in court.” 

Bolhuis says to protect yourself from hackers, you should limit the sensitive information on your phone, use anti-spyware software, and remain vigilant.

 “You must understand how your phone works and only store what is absolutely necessary.

“Only keep on your phone what is necessary and you must never keep any information number there that puts you in a compromising position.

By Minenhle Thusi



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