New Joburg mayor accused of running fraud scam

JOHANNESBURG - The DA is giving the new Johannesburg mayor 48 hours to address allegations of fraud against him.

Kabelo Gwamanda is accused of using a funeral scheme to defraud people.

READ: Al-Jamah-Ah's Kabelo Gwamanda elected Joburg mayor

It's claimed investors in iThemba Lama Afrika were left out in the cold when it came time to claim.

But Al Jamah-ah party leader, Ganief Hendricks, says the mayor was thoroughly vetted.

WATCH: Joburg has a new Mayor - at last

“I wasn’t involved in the vetting process, as you know National Intelligence do oversights on mayors and so on," he said.

"There were a lot of other issues besides what you are talking about. We didn’t go into details, we left it to the experts to do the vetting.

"All we want from them is a clean bill of health, they didn’t give us a report to say this and that. We have a city to run."

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