Salga calls for suspension of VAT on poultry products


JOHANNESBURG - As price increases triggered by the avian flu start to bite, the South African Local Government Association in KwaZulu-Natal is calling on the Finance Minister to temporarily lift VAT on poultry products.

READ: SALGA| 'Let's professionalise local government'

Salga says a 15 percent reduction in poultry product prices would safeguard vulnerable households.

Salga KZN chairperson Thami Ntuli said, "as Salga in the province of KwaZulu-Natal, we have indicated that due to the current bird flue stain which has affected the prices of poultry and poultry products, we will be lobbying the NCOP, the NEC for Salga in other provinces so that we advocate for the same call, that a zero percent tax is implemented as relief."

"Perhaps you will recall that this will not be happening for the first time, previously on the sanitary towels, it was implemented. That reduction in the tax will the prices decreasing by 15%, enabling ordinary citizens of our country to have access essential proteins."

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