Power cuts costing SA R10bn a day: energy analyst

JOHANNESBURG - The ongoing blackouts are harming the already strained economy. Some businesses have to shut down due to Eskom failure to keep the light on.

One economics and energy expert says the power cuts are costing the economy at least R10 billion a day.

READ: Mobile network blackouts loom

David Lipschitz says Eskom should also consider fixing the coal situation.

He said, "the R10-billion a day is just this gap, there's additional costs with the economy when we have load shedding as we do now with Stage Five."

"There's number of things, the one is supply chain, the coal. In 2010 when I wrote in my blog for the first time that Medupi and Kusile will never operate."

"We need to fix the kind of coal that got into power stations."

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